Write for Us Technology, Mobile Tech, Software, Gadgets, AI, News

Technology Write for Us

We are very glad that you visited our website thetechwarp.com. Our categories are Technology, Mobile, Gadgets, Software, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, Games and Computer, Product Reviews as well. We are inviting authors, content writers to write for us. 

Content Quality is very important for us, because the main objective of this blog is to transfer knowledge to upcoming generations. 

If you are interested in guest posts, sponsored posts then feel free to contact us. 

What we expect:

  • Plagiarism Free Content. Which is not published in the past as well as in future.
  • Writing Content is easy, but writing indexable content needs effort. So Make sure your Guest Post is In Depth and SEO Friendly.
  • Make your sentences very short. 
  • Use H1, H2, and H3 Tag for heading hierarchy.
  • We want original images, if you don’t have one please use copyright free images from Freepik, pngtree marketplace.
  • Avoid Grammar and Spelling Mistakes. 
  • Write a minimum of 1000 words and maximum of 2500 words. 
  • Please write an unique Blog Title
  • We don’t accept Affiliate Links or any Redirection links. 
  • We Don’t accept Gamling, Drugs.

What you get:

  • Dofollow Backlink from thetechwarp.com
  • 100% Google Indexing Guaranteed.
  • Permanent Post, we will not remove them.
  • We don’t do “Sponsored Tag” for your post.
  • We will share your posts on our social media platform.

Why do you need a Guest post for your business ?

  • Guest post gives you Contextual Backlinks: Google always prefers Contextual backlinks rather than profile creation, social bookmarking, Spam Forum, Directory and Classified.
  • Quick Indexing: When we compare with other backlinks types, google crawls content faster than normal profile and classified creation. Quick Indexing means quick ranking.
  • Referral Traffic from other websites.
  • Reach your exclusive audience
  • Increase your Domain Authority and Rating. 

Categories we accept:

Technology: Technology based content is the hot topic on the internet and the search volume is continuously increasing day by day.

  • Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
  • Cryptocurrency, Digital payments, Internet of Things, Block Chain
  • Gadgets, Softwares, Augment and Virtual Reality, 

Business: Write about your startup,  product and get an indexable backlink. All types of business categories are accepted. 

  • Manufacturing, energy, OEM, Home Appliances, Gadgets, Electronics
  • Space, Technology, Agriculture, Hospitality, Real Estate, Robotics.

Finance : Write a plagiarism free and unique finance content and attract thousands of readers. 

  • Trading, Forex, Insurance, Loans (Banking & NBFC), Credit Cards

How to write a perfect Tech Guest Post:

Usually across the world websites are looking for great content, making one is not an easy job. And at the same time Google almost indexed a trillion pages. Earlier google used to index blogs which have 300 words, but in recent times this is not possible. Minimum of 1000 words is important for just indexing. Rankable content at least needs around highly researched 2000 to 2500 words.

A unique and user-friendly guest post will be indexed for years. 

Lets see about how to write a technology guest post

There are certain criteria for good content. We will see about the checklist and why writers use it.

Sentence length:

Google prefers to show content which has high value and easy to read. Sentence framing is very important and shorter sentences are easy to read. Which helps the user to spend more time on our content. Always make sure that you must not use more than 20 syllables.

Passive Voice:

Limit your passiveness for impressive content. The recommended passive voice should not be more than 10%. Content writers should write more engaging and readable content, so try to use more active voice than passive voice. Passive voice will increase seo ranking. 

Transition Words:

Transition words are known as linking words which are used to differentiate a phrase and paragraph. Content writers use these words to shift the ideas, and transitional words act as a bridge.  This idea makes the sentence well structured and the chances high readability. Google expects us at least 30% of transition words. Some of the such words are therefore, however, for instance, certainly, moreover etc.,

Flesch Reading Score:

Most of the search engines use flesch reading scores to rate the web pages content. The Grades are as follows

  • 90-100 : Very easy to read
  • 80-90   : Easy to read
  • 70-80   : fairly to read

We personally don’t recommend below 70, because only post graduates or university graduates can read it.  While you write for technology, make sure to get at least 70 above. Which makes even an 11 year old can read the content. 

Here are some of the strategies to improve flesch reading score

  • Make your sentence short, not more than 2 to 3 lines
  • Avoid difficult words
  • Use Bullet points 
  • Reduce longer words
  • Stay away from bigger paragraphs. 

Consecutive Sentence:

It’s nothing but repetitive words. Usually avoid it, because repetitive words will make your writer very boring. Yoast plugin will help you to identify consecutive sentences.  

Here are our Search Queries

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